Maine Coon Cat is one of the cat breeds with the most beautiful fur . Smoke Maine Coon cat can produce some of the lightest colored cats in the world and the most desirable.
Smoke can range from classic darker smoke to more rare and unique pale full smoke coat making it the most expensive and rare coats of all. A good quality, healthy, of course, and genetically tested strong Pale Full Smoke Maine Coon with the right features can range anywhere from $5000 on the low end to really any number you can think of as they are so rare and the demand is much higher than supply.
These cats are truly a work of art. Besides individual and beautiful coats, they are quite a breed, making them ideal indoor pets. Maine Coon cats bond quickly with their new owners and can be trained easily to perform tricks. Furthermore, since these cats are so big, they are known as gentle giants.
EuroCoons Maine Coon Cattery specializes in breeding those incredible, healthy, extra-large, unique, and artistic looking, virtually like a painting, full smoke Maine Coon cats. So, if you are looking for a special kind of cat that is large and fluffy, with unique coat color and a pattern second to none, then a EuroCoons Smoke Maine Coon should be first on your list.